Suid-Afrika gaan gebuk onder een van sy ergste hittegolwe en sal eers teen Woensdag omdraai na meer leefbare klimaatstoestande. Wetenskaplikes skryf die hitte deel daaraan toe dat dit kenmerkende verskynsels is van kamma “aardverwarming” wat glo voortaan al meer ondervind sal word. Die waarheid is dat klimaatverandering normaalweg gebeur en word nie deur mens veroorsaak..
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Vioolsdrif stel nuwe rekord temperatuur op met 54° Celsius, die hoogste temperatuur meting ter wêreld
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Vergadering gehou in Kimberley word oproerig na diamantdelwers en zama-zama goud myners met wapens opdaag
Die wêreldbekende diamantstad Kimberley se projek om die sogenaamde zama-zama goud myners en diamant delwers in ’n wettige struktuur saam te bind, het klaarblyklik nie goeie resultate gelewer nie. Die vergadering wat in Kimberley gehou is, het oproerig geword nadat delwers met wapens en al by die vergadering opgedaag het. Die optrede van tientalle diamant..
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Cash-strapped Dikgatlong’s municipal to pay R700k for municipal games at council’s expense
WHILE the cash-strapped Dikgatlong Municipality is struggling to pay off its growing mountain of debts that have risen to about R83 million compared to the outstanding amount of R61.5 million as of May last year, a delegation of councillors and employees were sent to Durban to attend the inter-municipal games, at council’s expense. It is..
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Hoop Skiet Wortel! Hier is jou kans om by te dra en deel te word van ons strewe na self beskikking met Eureka Bpk
Advokaat Carlo Viljoen word aangestel as Besturende Direkteur in die direksie van die Maatskappy EUREKA BEPERK Ltd. Hieronder is sy eerste omsend skrywe maar eers die geleentheid wat Eureka nou aan alle Afrikaners bied om deel te neem, en by te dra aan ons strewe na self beskikking en onafhanklikheid.
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The Cape Secedes from South Africa! Khoi King Khoebaha III Declares The Sovereign State of Good Hope Independent!
The Universal Declaration of Independence which was signed at the historic Castle in Cape Town on 24th September 2017 claims the current Western Cape, The Northern Cape and the Eastern Cape up to the Fish River, as its sovereign territory with 15 Million citizens. Secession is the action of withdrawing formally from membership and participation of any federation, body or political state.
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Orania se Ora gaan in ‘n nuwe digitale geldeenheid omskep word wat die Rand kan teenstaan
Ekonoom Dawie Roodt is betrokke by ‘n projek om ‘n nuwe digitale geldeenheid in die dorp van Orania te ontwikkel met die digitaliseering gebruik van hul bestaande Ora geldeenheid, wat die ekonomie van die dorp aansienlik sal verbeter. Die digitale geldeenheid sal met behulp van slimfone verhandel word, en Roodt het gesê dat hulle met..
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US Study Confirms Politically Forced Transformation and Multiculturalism is Destroying Diversity in Southern Africa
Once again needing to prove the obvious in a toxic politically correct world, research proves we are NOT all the same. According to new research discussed in the journal GENETICS, a publication of the Genetics Society of America, “there is a huge amount of diversity in southern Africa populations. These groups speak differently, look distinct, and have divergent genetic..
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Time for #Wexit? (Western Cape) – A year ago Steve Hofmeyr wanted to save RSA, now, (After BRexit) he too wants Cape Independence. What has changed?
When asked a year ago if he supports Cape Independence, Steve said he wants to save the whole country. Now, on the back of BRexit, the singer has casually called for the secession of the Western Cape from the rest of SA. Has the situation gotten so bad or has he woken up? Afrikaner..
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The Cape Party’s 20 Point Agenda for Local Government in The Cape, Towards Independence:
The Cape Party which is contesting local elections on certain wards in the Cape has issued a 20 point agenda as a election manifesto: 1. To ensure that every Councillor has a line open & available for all Rate Payers, to pro-actively reach out to, connect with, engage and communicate with ward constituents on a..
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Is it really possible for the Cape Republic to be Independent? YES!
THE RIGHT AND POSSIBILITY OF SECESSION FOR THE CAPE REPUBLIC. Chapter 14 section 235 of the Constitution states as follows. SELF-DETERMINATION. 235. The right of the South African people as a whole to self-determination, as manifested in this Constitution, does not preclude, within the framework of this right, recognition of the notion of the right..
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- NUUT! nou in Afrikaans! Vind Vriende! skep ‘n veilige, moeitevrye omgewing waar mense mekaar kan ontmoet en nuwe aanlyn vriendskappe kan begin. Of jy nuwe vriende, ‘n vinnige blik op die wêreld van aanlyn afsprake of die liefde van jou lewe soek, jy sal beslis iemand spesiaal tussen ons duisende persoonlike advertensies vind. Om te gebruik is vinnig, maklik, […]
- Werk van die huis af!! DEELTYDS//VOLTYDS.Werk van die huis af!! DEELTYDS//VOLTYDS. Ek het wyd en syd gesoek na n sinvolle werk//idee//geleentheid wat ek van die huis af kan doen.N wonderlike geleentheid het op my pad gekom. 1=NIKS in die lewe kom verniet nie. 2=GEEN ondervinding nodig nie. 3=Daaglikse mentor bystand. 4=GEEN deur-tot-deur verkope,vul van koeverte of telefoonbemarking nie. […]
- URGENTLY HIRING IN CANADA….APPLY NOW WITH YOUR CV!!JOB OFFER !!!! JOB OFFER !!! JOB OFFER IN CANADA . I am a newbie here and my name is BROWNSTONE HUTCHSON from (USA ). I am married and blessed with 2 kids who are at their early ages. I moved with my wife , kids to CANADA some weeks back and due to i […]
- 150AH 12V deep cycle Lead acid Solar BatteriesSplinternuwe solar batterye te koop. Prys onderhandelbaar Slegs ernstige voornemende kopers asb. Geen kansvatters Brand new CSB 150AH 12volt Lead Acid Solar batteries Never been used. 6 Available. More info will be provided upon communication. Price R4800 > prices negotiable. No postage. It must be collected. In Middelburg or can be delivered in Witbank […]
- Venoot gesoek. Weet jy wat 'n Thawte Cert is?Ons opereer huidig ‘n agentskap waar ons Thawte aanlyn Sekuriteits Sertifikate (Cert) verkoop. Ons is op soek na ‘n venoot om ons te help on die besigheid verder te laat groeie, landswyd en miskien wereldwyd. Ons werk tans deur die webwerf Ons is oop vir idees van hoe ‘n venoot kan bydrae omdat ons […]
- Reaksie Offisiere benodig.Sekuriteits maatskappy in Plettenberg Baai is Opsoek na Gekwalifiseerde Reaksie Offisiere Aansoeke moet aan die volgende vereistes voldoen: Psira Gerigstreerd wees met minstens n C graad en Reaksie. In besit wees van n geldige bestuurs lisensie. Geen Kriminele Rekord. Moet ten volle tweetalig wees in minstens Engels en Afrikaans. Moet bereid wees om na […]
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Onlangse Nuus Berigte
- Eksklusief! Nuwe Afrikaanse Enkelsnit: “Net Ons Riviere Loop Vry”
- Rooi Gevaar Boelie Alweer vir Orania. Onderskryf Orania se Bestaansreg!
- NUUS! Moeg dat blankes afgeskeep of aangeval word in die nuus? Stig ‘n plaaslike of dorp’s nuusblad!
- Globaliste Gaan Sowaar Ons Kwotas Gee om Asem te Haal – Dit is nie meer ‘n grap nie!
- SA Boere Volgende? Ierland val nou ook hul Boere aan, soos Nederland, Duitsland en Kanada!
- Globalistiese Veldtog om Boere as “Die Vyand van die Staat” te Skilder, Tref Nederland en België
SA-News Headlines
- New Afrikaner Boer Struggle Song released: “Net Ons Riviere Loop Vry”A new "struggle song" in Afrikaans has been released on all major music platformsContinue reading...
- Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: African Abuse of Visa Free Travel Force Ireland & UK To Implement Visa RequirementSouth African and Botswana passport holders will be required to obtain a visa before travelling to Ireland from Wednesday 9th July, the Irish Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee, has announced.Continue reading...
- Cancel Season Again? Youtube Deletes 10 Year Old Channel With No Warning, No Strikes, No Opportunity To Respond!@YouTube has deleted the 10 year old youtube channel of EuroWars with no warning, no strikes and no opportunity to remove the alleged “misleading” material. EuroWars are also not allowed to open another channel, ever. They had not even actually posted any videos in the last two years, yet still it was removed despite an..Continue […]
- Expressing support for the Boer cause in the unholy hellscape of South Africa has serious consequences.Tewie did not promote any violence of any kind nor did he break any laws. He simply voiced his support for a cause as is his right under Freedom of Speech.Continue reading...
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