Vioolsdrif stel nuwe rekord temperatuur op met 54° Celsius, die hoogste temperatuur meting ter wêreld

Vergadering gehou in Kimberley word oproerig na diamantdelwers en zama-zama goud myners met wapens opdaag

Cash-strapped Dikgatlong’s municipal to pay R700k for municipal games at council’s expense

Hoop Skiet Wortel! Hier is jou kans om by te dra en deel te word van ons strewe na self beskikking met Eureka Bpk

The Cape Secedes from South Africa! Khoi King Khoebaha III Declares The Sovereign State of Good Hope Independent!

Orania se Ora gaan in ‘n nuwe digitale geldeenheid omskep word wat die Rand kan teenstaan

US Study Confirms Politically Forced Transformation and Multiculturalism is Destroying Diversity in Southern Africa

Time for #Wexit? (Western Cape) – A year ago Steve Hofmeyr wanted to save RSA, now, (After BRexit) he too wants Cape Independence. What has changed?

The Cape Party’s 20 Point Agenda for Local Government in The Cape, Towards Independence:

Is it really possible for the Cape Republic to be Independent? YES!