The Universal Declaration of Independence which was signed at the historic Castle in Cape Town on 24th September 2017 claims the current Western Cape, The Northern Cape and the Eastern Cape up to the Fish River, as its sovereign territory with 15 Million citizens. Secession is the action of withdrawing formally from membership and participation of any federation, body or political state.
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The Cape Secedes from South Africa! Khoi King Khoebaha III Declares The Sovereign State of Good Hope Independent!
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Time for #Wexit? (Western Cape) – A year ago Steve Hofmeyr wanted to save RSA, now, (After BRexit) he too wants Cape Independence. What has changed?
When asked a year ago if he supports Cape Independence, Steve said he wants to save the whole country. Now, on the back of BRexit, the singer has casually called for the secession of the Western Cape from the rest of SA. Has the situation gotten so bad or has he woken up? Afrikaner..
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Is it really possible for the Cape Republic to be Independent? YES!
THE RIGHT AND POSSIBILITY OF SECESSION FOR THE CAPE REPUBLIC. Chapter 14 section 235 of the Constitution states as follows. SELF-DETERMINATION. 235. The right of the South African people as a whole to self-determination, as manifested in this Constitution, does not preclude, within the framework of this right, recognition of the notion of the right..
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Tyd vir Die Kaap, Federale Afrikaner Tuisland! Minderhede MOET saamstaan vir ons regte!
Luister na Pieter J. Marais, voormalige Kaapstad Burgermeester en Weskaap Premier, asook Hein Marx wat gesels met Dr. Carl Davis op SFM oor ‘n Federale beweging.
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