Politieke toestand van SA noop eienaars om ontslae te raak van eiendomme in ryk woonbuurte van Kaapstad – pryse daal nou tot 50%

Damvlakke in Wes-Kaap bereik rekord hoogte na vier jaar se droogte

Another body discovered this weekend on Table Mountain

UK Foreign Office issued a warning to visitors of Table Mountain after Ukranian businessman was killed during a hike at tourist hot-spot

Western-Cape: 21 shootings; 20 stabbings; and 5 murders occurred this weekend – SANDF presence not making any impact in, Murders increase by 46%

Latest study finds over 6,000 people living on the streets of Cape Town

Army deployment to the Western Cape to help the police quell gang violence will cost R23.4m

Uber bestuurder kop in een mus met misdadigers? – Bolandse gesin word gekaap en besteel In Stellenbosch

43 killed in another bloody weekend in Cape Town – 25 were shot and 12 stabbed

SANDF deployed to Cape Town’s gang-infested areas to curb crime, but no army deployed to curb farm murders?