US Study Confirms Politically Forced Transformation and Multiculturalism is Destroying Diversity in Southern Africa

Time for #Wexit? (Western Cape) – A year ago Steve Hofmeyr wanted to save RSA, now, (After BRexit) he too wants Cape Independence. What has changed?

Tyd vir Die Kaap, Federale Afrikaner Tuisland! Minderhede MOET saamstaan vir ons regte!

Transformation, government puppets and cronies destroying traditional fishing, something even Apartheid never did.

Die Son publiseer artikel om hul wanindruk van Katriena Esau, eerste vroulike hoof van die Westelike N//n#e stam reg te stel

Het Kommuniste Federalisme Geheel en Al Beduiwel en Vermoor?

Study shows San people used milk-based paint 49,000 years ago in Kwazulu, long before Bantu arrived with domesticated cattle.